PharmTeX v. 2.6 (28 SEP 2023): - Bug fix for eqnimg and mathimg. - Minor changes to accommodate future releases of Tex Live. PharmTeX v. 2.5 (13 MAR 2022): - Added more functionality for external file systems. - Minor bug fixes and improvements. PharmTeX v. 2.4 (10 DEC 2021): - Fixed warnings appearing for sub-bibliographies. - Fixed bug with artifacts item IDs in list of items. - Fixed bug appearing in some special cases when importing external PDF files. PharmTeX v. 2.3 (28 APR 2021): - Modified position of List of Appendices in the document. - Fixed issue with List of Appendices appearing despite no appendices being present. - Added "qc" option for \documentclass to enable hyperlinks in F12 mode. PharmTeX v. 2.2 (25 FEB 2021): - Fixed bug with special characters in the .bib file. - Fixed bug with APPENDICES and LIST OF APPENDICES sections not appearing in some cases. - Add \ACRLONG to allow displaying of full term glossary entries with titlecase for all words. PharmTeX v. 2.1 (07 DEC 2020): - Added option to give global scale settings to figure arrays. - Now fixing & and _ in .bib file in the background. - Added option to not reset glossary first use for each appendix. - Expanded list of subfigure letters with uppercases. PharmTeX v. 2.0 (31 OCT 2020): - Overhaul of PharmTeX setup. - PharmTeX class v. 2.0 requires bundle v. 2.0. - All PharmTeX class files (.cls, .sty, .bst, .pl, etc.) are now part of the bundle to limit the number of files present in the report directory. To upgrade the class version 1) overwrite all files present in the "pharmtex" subdirectory inside the PharmTeX bundle root folder with the files in the newest class zip file and 2) overwrite the files "executex" and "executex.bat" in your report folder with the ones in the newest class zip file. - Temporary files generated by PharmTeX now resise in a subdirectory called "auxfiles". - Added List of Appendices instead of having appendices as part of main Table of Contents. - The \synopsis command load needs a filename/path as input to point to a file containing the synopsis. The enables better forward/backward search in Texstudio. - Switched to using \citen (prints numbered citation), \citea (prints first author last name followed by numbered citation), and \citey (prints only year of citation). - The Synopsis, Main Body, and each Appendix now has its own separate bibliography ("References" added if at least one citation is present). Combined with use of \citen, \citea, and \citey, this setup also automatically switches to the correct bibliography depending on where the \citen, \citea, or \citey command is used. Using \cite still works, but it discouraged as it always adds to the bibliography of the Main Body. - F6 now opens a cheatsheet pdf file - noperl mode can now only be accessed command line. - Improved handling of scaling merged columns and rows (\multicolumn and \multirow) by adding a similar capability to \multicolumn {=} option for column scaling that is seen for \multirow. This setup works for \pmxtable and \pmxtextable. The {=} option now scales each \multicolumn to the sum of the scales used in the justification field for \pmxtable and \pmxtextable. See the User Guide for more information. - Added || option to figure arrays which forces a page break instead of a new row like for |. See the User Guide for more information. - PDF comments are now possible using \pdfcomment. See the User Guide for more information. - QA page is now loaded in the beginning of the report rather than at the end. - In the List of Items, the items can now be sorted by either Item ID (default, use "itemsbyid" option for \documentclass) or by modification time (use "itemsbytime" option for \documentclass). See the User Guide for more information. - For consistent naming, \pmxinput now does the same as \input, but with a file encoding check. Using \pmxinput is strongly recommended instead of using \input. At the same time, the past command called \pmxinput is now called \pmxtxt (loading of a text file with information into the body text of the document). - The use of "a4paper" as an option to \documentclass now does the same as "isopaper". - The "samepagelinks" option for \documentclass is now enabled by default - was disabled previously. - Page margins are now formatted differently for easy of use, e.g. \pmxtop and \pmxbottom. See the User Guide for more information. PharmTeX v. 1.15 (03 JUL 2020): - Modifications to allow more customizable PharmTeX with custom add-on packages. PharmTeX v. 1.14 (22 JUN 2020): - Added option to split figure arrays across pages with ||. - Moved QA page to the front part of the document. - Other minor changes. PharmTeX v. 1.13 (26 APR 2020): - Added option to \pmxtable and \pmxtable to leave column specification field blank and thus use all the columns available as left justified (L justification). - Fixed bug with the pax package and other cases when using spaces in filenames. PharmTeX v. 1.12 (18 APR 2019): - Fixed issue with scaling of images on some laptops when using the options eqnimg and mathimg (for conversion of PDF to Word). - Added option convimg to allow conversion of specific inline math to images (for conversion of PDF to Word). PharmTeX v. 1.11 (16 APR 2019): - Minor updates to pmx.bst (bibliography formatting): It now supports \citeauthor and \citeyear (commands to print author names in text). - Fixed bug with PharmTeX erroneously detecting commented-out \documentclass entries. - Fixed issue with column swapping for \pmxtable when swapping the last column. PharmTeX v. 1.10 (28 MAR 2019): - Added function to include tables from image files, e.g. PDF, PNG, JPG, etc., using the \pmxfigtable command. See the user guide for more information. - Fixed a few issues with the inclusion of tables with only one column. - Fixed an issue with tables of only two rows where the rows where were swapped. PharmTeX v. 1.9 (10 JAN 2019): - Added option to print equations and inline math as images to allow for better conversion to Word. Supports all math environments, and includes any \newcommands in main .tex file. Math mode in glossary entries are not converted, but math mode in bibliography are converted. - Allow pagebreaks in multiline equations. - Fixed issue with subequations and nosamepagelinks when borderline page break. - Bibliography and glossary files only appear in List of Items in there are references and glossary entries in the document. - Added glossary to Table of Contents. PharmTeX v. 1.8 (02 OCT 2018): - PharmTeX now supporta nlmixr ( See how in the PharmTeX user guide (v. 1.5+). - Fixed issue causing tables with all tight columns to look odd. PharmTeX v. 1.7 (13 JUL 2018): - Added option to not show item ID hyperlinks. - Removed the option (no)itemlist as it is covered with the (no)itemid option. - Modified the LaTeX code for figures and tables to keep the description on the same page as the figure. - Fixed issue with ['s in the beginning of a row in a table. - PharmTeX now prints a warning when input files are missing. - Added option to move figure captions below the figure (default is still above figure). PharmTeX v. 1.6 (19 APR 2018): - Removed warning for basic document: Package glossaries Warning: No \printglossary or \printglossaries found. - Added main PharmTeX run sequence output to the log file. - Added stepwise output to Texmaker during compilation process so the user can track the overall progress. - Removed parenthesis in cross referencing subequations. PharmTeX v. 1.5 (17 APR 2018): - Fixed a memory threshold issue when importing very large tables from delimiter-separated files. PharmTeX v. 1.4 (16 APR 2018): - Removed some warnings appearing for no reason, including the infamous "badness 10000". This helps the user look for real errors and warnings in Texmaker. - Added automatic clearing of existing finalized report when recompiling. PharmTeX v. 1.3 (11 APR 2018): - Changed path definitions to take place in the software bundles instead of in the executex files. PharmTeX v. 1.2 (09 APR 2018): - Found portable versions of Java and QPDF for Linux. Updated the Linux "executex" file to support this and added this software as of bundle version 1.1. JabRef and PDF web optimization worked in Linux as well. PharmTeX v. 1.1 (08 APR 2018): - Updated executex.bat, executex, and to retain log file for final perltex/pdflatex run. - Fixed warning about file deletion when finalizing a report for Linux PharmTeX runs. PharmTeX v. 1.0 (18 MAR 2018): - Initial release. - This version of PharmTeX is released for the software bundle version 1.0. For Linux systems, no portable versions of QPDF (for PDF web-optmization) and Java (for JabReF) could be found or created. Thus, web-optimization and JabReF do not work. (This was solved as of Linux software bundle version 1.1 and PharmTeX class version 1.3)