Bundle v. 2.2 (28 SEP 2023): - TeX Live 2022 for Windows and Linux. Bundle v. 2.1 (17 JAN 2021): - TeX Live 2021 for both Windows and Linux. - Fixed issue with Tex Live manager (tlshell) in relation to PharmTeX. Bundle v. 2.0 (20 OCT 2020): - TeX Live 2020 for both Windows and Linux. - Much smaller footprint for Linux version (519 MB) and Windows (742 MB). - PharmTeX class files v. 2.0 are now included in the bundle and now longer need to be present in the report directory. To upgrade the class version 1) overwrite all files present in the "pharmtex" subdirectory inside the PharmTeX bundle root folder with the files in the newest class zip file and 2) overwrite the files "executex" and "executex.bat" in your report folder with the ones in the newest class zip file. Bundle v. 1.3 (01 JUL 2020): - Tex Live 2020 and MiKTeX 20.6. - JabRef 5.0 has its own Java, so portable Java is no longer in the bundles. Bundle v. 1.2 (09 JAN 2019): - Switched to Texstudio (https://texstudio.org) instead of Texmaker. Texstudio is based on Texmaker, but offers several additional features. The shortcut buttons (F1-F12) work the same, as does nost of the layout. See the User Guide v. 1.6+ for more info. - Updated all software to newer versions, including Tex Live (now 2018) and MiKTeX. - Added XPDF Tools (https://xpdfreader.com/) to support a new feature in PharmTeX Class v. 1.9: Conversion of equations and inline math mode to images for improved conversion to Word (when using e.g. Adobe Acrobat). Bundle v. 1.1 (09 APR 2018): - Found portable versions of Java and QPDF for Linux. Updated the Linux software bundle accordingly and updated the Windows bundle with the same version of QPDF (8.0.2). - Modified the Texmaker settings (Windows and Linux) to show the log and any errors of a report finalization run (F12). - Updated the MiKTeX version and LaTeX packages for Windows bundle. - Added a script to define the paths for the bundle. Bundle v. 1.0 (08 FEB 2018): - Initial release. The Linux version did not have Java or QPDF as they could not be found in portable versions, so JabRef web-optimization of PDF did not work. Both were included in version 1.1.